• Pilates Mat is an integral part of the Pilates system and is considered a skeleton of the work (as well as Reformer), to fully be able to reap the benefits of the Pilates Method. 
  •  It is what Mr. Pilates envisioned could be done daily, for anyone, anywhere … everyday, to continue receiving the benefits for our truest potential and health.

Pilates Mat Classes

Pilates Mat Classes are currently ONLINE to keep you moving towards better posture, stronger muscles, stable joints, and increased flexibility and mobility, while we transition into our new location.  Pilates is Stretch with Strength with Control.
You’ll learn how to apply the Principles of Pilates that are used continually within each exercise in every level, as you increase body awareness and coordination.
Don’t be shy —  Modifications are always given and we always have fun!

We currently offer 30 Minute Classes as well as 50 minute classes.

Prices for 50 minute classes:  $20+HST Single / $110+HST 5-Pack / $200+HST – 10 Pack

Prices for 30 minute classes are shown below:



*please email us to arrange payments :  info(at)beachpilates(dot)ca — this is NOT our e-transfer email though *

30min MAT

$ 15

Single Session

30min MAT

$ 60

5 Pack

30min MAT

$ 110

10 Pack